Sunday, April 28, 2013

No. No, NO. (And nothing about a church.)

A few years ago, I wrote a poem when a friend was reminding herself that "A no is a no and that was ok."  It sounded poetic (Ok it sounded like Dr. Seuss, but hey, I like Dr. Seuss.) I jotted down one of my fastest poems ever.  I found the poem again, just recently, and felt like I needed to put it down where someone else might read it.

A No Is A No--

A no is a no,
And a no, is Ok.
He will show me His yes
In His time and His way.

For although I don't see it
And although I can't know
His timing is perfect
And the way I should go.

When my life is a desert
And my dreams, dry as dust,
His plans are made present
And His mercies are just.

So instead of down-gazing,
In my grief, fury or fear,
I will focus on His love,
His grace drawing me near.

So a no is a no,
Or a "Maybe," or "Wait"...
His love is always a "Yes," though
And his mercies are great.

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